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SEO multilang PRO 41.1


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22 Screenshots

    • $16
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  • Entry the site address! Or click on the checkbox above to transfer the domain to the author later. Please note that automatic issuance of licenses occurs only when specifying a domain
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  • When buying from 2 to 5 discount -15% $13.60
  • When buying from 6 to 100 discount -20% $12.80

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About This File


Admin Demo

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Supports Opencart and its versions 3.x, 2.x, 1.5.x


💠 Correct language URLs with language prefixes
💠 Proper indexing of all language pages by search engines
💠 Support for the hreflang meta tag and flexible management of them
💠 Support for x-default
💠 Popup language selection window
💠 Automatic redirection of first-time visitors to the main language (region) of the store if they don't have a "language" cookie (this pattern does not affect indexing by search engines and does not cause a 301 redirect)
Paid option - Compliance with the laws of Ukraine
🇺🇦 (including settings and adaptation) (+11.00 USD)
The algorithm is as follows: If the user visits for the first time - redirect them (not to be confused with redirection) to the main language (Ukrainian)
If the user is not a first-time visitor (but previously selected the main language), for example, from a search engine, and lands on a non-main language (Russian without a prefix, not the main Ukrainian /ua/...), redirect them to the same page of the main language
If the user decides to change the language (via the language switcher) - automatic redirection will no longer occur (because the user made a choice). However, if the user "switches" back to the main language, the redirection algorithm will work again if the user lands on a page in a non-main language (Russian), redirect them to the main Ukrainian language /ua/...
Even if the page without the language prefix is currently indexed by search engines It will all be in accordance with the law We create the Ukrainian page with the /ua/... prefix (ua as an example, it can be /uk/... and so on) (all pages without the prefix will remain indexed by search engines) If the user visits for the first time - redirect them in any case (not to be confused with redirection) to the main language (Ukrainian) /ua (for the main page) or /ua/... (depending on the page they land on)) If the user is not a first-time visitor, but, for example, from a search engine, and lands on a non-main language (Russian without a prefix, not the main Ukrainian /ua/... they had selected), redirect them to the same page of the main language /ua/... If the user decides to change the language (via the language switcher, for example, from Ukrainian /ua/... to Russian without a prefix), automatic redirection will no longer occur (because the user made a choice). However, if the user "switches" back to the main Ukrainian language /ua/..., then the redirection algorithm will work again if the user lands on a page in a non-main language (Russian without a prefix), redirect them to the main Ukrainian language /ua/... Thus, it is all in accordance with the Law, and the pages will be preserved in the index without reindexing



💠 Correct language URLs with language prefixes (/ua/... /en/... /uk/... etc.)
💠 Allows setting the same SEO URL in Opencart 3 (or ocStore 3) for different languages. The links will be different due to language prefixes
💠 Allows setting the main language URL without a language prefix. There are settings that can even configure language prefixes for the main language, but the link to the main page can be made without a language prefix.
💠 Proper indexing of all language pages by search engines
💠 Support for the hreflang meta tag and flexible management of them
💠 Flexible management of hreflang tags

Custom hreflang configuration is possible.
Please note the regions for one language, emphasis can be placed on different regions of the same language.
		<link rel="alternate" hreflang="uk" href="https://seolang.opencartadmin.com/" />
		<link rel="alternate" hreflang="x-default" href="https://seolang.opencartadmin.com/" />
		<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="https://seolang.opencartadmin.com/en" />
		<link rel="alternate" hreflang="ru" href="https://seolang.opencartadmin.com/ru" />
		<link rel="alternate" hreflang="ru-ua" href="https://seolang.opencartadmin.com/ru" />

💠 Support for x-default
💠 Support for language sitemaps
💠 Language meta tags for title, description, keywords for the main page
💠 Removes index.php?route=common/home for the main page
💠 Multistore support
💠 Allows creating multistores in subfolders
💠 Manages regions, including cities
💠 Shortcodes tied to languages, regions, and multistores
💠 Does not modify the Opencart core files
💠 Module does not use ioncube
💠 Different SEO URLs for different languages, regions, cities (using prefixes or subdomains, domains)
💠 Allows setting the same SEO URL in Opencart 3.x (URLs will be different due to prefixes)
💠 Disables category description on additional pagination pages (Opencart 2.x, 3.x only)
💠 Advanced multistore support
💠 Compatibility with any theme, any modules that comply with Opencart programming standards and requirements
💠 Unification of the H1, title, and description tags on pagination pages


💠 SEO URL for pagination ../page-2

The problem lies in the fact that when paginating in Opencart, the title and description are the same (by default in Opencart and its assemblies), and the products listed are similar. As a result, search engines might consider them as duplicate content, which is very detrimental to SEO. However, with this module, this cannot happen. The module prevents page duplication during pagination by adding a pagination identifier to the title and description HTML documents, making it distinct from the "main" category page. This prevents it from being dropped in search engine results.
It replaces the first page's parameter with a URL without parameters.
The module implements correct SEO pagination URLs, such as http://site.com/page-2 and so on.
With the change in the document's title and description HTML depending on the language, for example, "Computers - page 2" (Ukrainian), "Computers - page 2" (English). Also, now there is no link to the first page (/en/desctops/page-1) replaced with /en/desctops/)
Even without enabling SEO-friendly URLs, pagination works and appears as, for example, http://site.com/en/page-2?route=product/category&path=1_2


💠 Installed localizations for at least 2 languages
💠 Presence of the standard Opencart language switcher on the store front
💠 For Opencart version 1.5.x (Only for this branch - 1.5), vQmod must be installed (standard de facto)
💠 List of themes (templates) with ready-made adapted language switchers out of the box

Прихований текст




💠 All rights to the module belong to markimax
💠 License terms: one domain - one license (purchase one product for each domain).
💠 License terms are "per owner".
This means you can use one license (one module) for one domain.
So, for each domain on which you install the module, you need to purchase a license (module).
If you install the module on two stores (two domains), you need to buy two licenses.
If you have separate modules on different subdomains, you need to buy licenses for each of them (except for multi-store setups, where you don't need to buy additional licenses).
So, on one subdomain, one site, and on another, a different independent site, in this case, you need two licenses. Essentially, one independent site - one license.

💠 Reselling the module without the author's consent is prohibited.
💠 Transferring this software to third parties or distributing it on your behalf without the author's permission is prohibited.
💠 Publishing or distributing the module without the author's consent for any purposes, be it informational or otherwise, is prohibited.
💠 Free technical support is not provided to users who haven't personally purchased the module.
In such cases, the author of the product has the right to refuse free technical support to these users and may not respond to their communications without providing an explanation for the reasons.

💠 Free technical support is not provided to users who bought, acquired in any way, copied, downloaded, or purchased this product outside the resources opencartforum.com.
In such cases, the author of the product has the right to refuse free technical support to these users and may not respond to their communications without providing an explanation for the reasons.
In this case, you are required to delete the module and stop using it.

💠 The product of proper quality is not subject to return or exchange.
💠 By making a purchase and using the product, you automatically agree to all the terms of this Agreement.
💠 To verify the license, the module author is provided with the module version, the email registered for the store, the domain, and the language of the online store.
💠 By purchasing the module, you automatically agree to the text of the license.
💠 The module is distributed "as is".

Technical Support Terms

💠 1. When requesting Technical Support, you must provide confirmation of the official purchase of the module (where it was purchased, under which email, login, and invoice number). Otherwise, the author reserves the right not to respond to communications without providing an explanation for the reasons.
💠 2. Free Technical Support response time is unlimited (please consider weekends and holidays, and the working hours are from 9:00 to 17:00, excluding non-working days). Technical Support is provided in strict order of the queue.
💠 3. Technical support is not provided without full access.
ATTENTION: If you provide unverified or non-administrator access (i.e., the expert spends time attempting to log in but fails or doesn't receive full access for proper work), you will be automatically moved to the end of the queue, for at least a day).
Technical Support is provided only through the request form at forum messeges.
Otherwise, the author reserves the right not to respond to communications without providing an explanation for the reasons.
We can't guess your intentions.

For technical support inquiries, you must provide the following access:


Store Admin Panel

URL - admin panel address (administrator rights)

Server (host)


After providing the access, you will be placed in the queue.
Service is provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
Please note that there are weekends and holidays, and the working hours are from 9:00 to 17:00.
Our technical support team is not automated ;)

💠 4. When asking questions, formulate them logically and clearly. Otherwise, the author reserves the right not to respond to communications without providing an explanation for the reasons. If you haven't received a response, rephrase your question correctly.
💠 5. Provide the store URL (or URL where the issue occurs) in your query (mandatory requirement), or if not possible (in the case of localhost), provide screenshots of the issue. Otherwise, the author reserves the right not to respond to communications without providing an explanation for the reasons.
💠 6. If you lack the expertise or cannot resolve the issue yourself, immediately provide full access to the admin panel (administrator rights, for proper functioning) and FTechnical Support access for quicker resolution of your query (see point 3).
💠 7. Free technical support is not available to users who haven't personally purchased the module. In such cases, the author of the product has the right to refuse free technical support to these users and may not respond to their communications without providing an explanation for the reasons.
💠 8. Free technical support is not available to users who bought, acquired, copied, downloaded, or purchased this product outside official channels and authorized websites or marketplaces. In such cases, the author of the product has the right to refuse free technical support to these users and may not respond to their communications without providing an explanation for the reasons. In this case, you are required to delete the module and stop using it.
💠 9. Free technical support becomes chargeable in the following cases:
a) The reported issue is caused by the operation of existing software products on the customer's side, which create conflicts due to their errors ("patches") in the operation of both this product and the customer's site as a whole (module errors, theme styling errors, server configuration errors, "patches," JS errors on the site, programming errors, violations of OpenCart code style).
b) The customer requests improvements or customizations of this product or orders custom solutions.
c) The customer wants to implement custom ordered functionality (not available in documentation or demo site) or custom module templates or modify module templates to meet specific requirements.
d) Module functioning is disrupted after the customer's erroneous actions (or actions of their employees or hired workers (developers)).
💠 10. Free technical support becomes chargeable if the user wants the technical support team member to perform module-related tasks on the user's site, not directly related to module errors or the module itself (installation, updates, configuration, bug fixes ("patches"), training, etc.)
💠 11. Free technical support becomes chargeable if the user wants the technical support team member to fix issues or "patches" on the site not directly related to the module but affecting its operation or not affecting it at all.
💠 12. The developer reserves the right to refuse paid technical support (points 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) without providing an explanation for the reasons.
💠 13. By purchasing the module, you automatically agree to the terms of providing technical support.
💠 14. Technical support is provided only to module owners who have made the purchase for themselves.
💠 15. Technical support is provided only to those who directly bought the module (license holder).
💠 16. The support period for each module version is limited to 1 year from its publication.
💠 17. When requesting technical support, it is advisable to update to the latest module version. Your problem may have already been resolved in the latest version.
💠 18. The author reserves the right to change technical support terms without individual notifications, by publishing the terms on the official website.
💠 19. The term of free technical support is 1 year from the date of module purchase (for one domain). If you want to extend the technical support for another year, you can renew the license (by purchasing an extension).
💠 20. Technical support (and work on options) does not include: module setup (if this option was not selected during the purchase), server setup, template redesign, fixing someone else's errors ("patches"), etc.


Each site on Opencart can be unique, and setting it up requires working with countless combinations of data and processes. The interactions between components and settings truly amount to billions, and predicting and documenting all possible combinations is practically impossible.

Why it's difficult:

Many third-party modules and templates: They can behave unpredictably, adding complexity to the setup process.

Combinations: A vast number of possible combinations of modules and templates, each of which may require a unique approach to configuration.

The adaptation is done to match the template style (template switcher, template popup windows).

🌻 Made in Ukraine 🇺🇦

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