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Search Engine with morphology and relevance PRO 4.0



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About This File

Over 10 thousand module downloads from sv2109 !


What does this module do?

Search module. Designed for stores that need high-quality and fast search. That is, for almost all stores, because with a bad search, stores constantly lose tens of percent of their profits! Your customers won't have to manually browse through tens of thousands of pages on your site to find the right product. If the product is not found in the first seconds through the search, then the user simply leaves your site.


The module was tested on a store with more than a million products!


Main advantages

  • more than 1000 module sales
  • very high search speed
  • using morphology and relevance for more precise search
  • decrease in the percentage of refusals of customers
  • search logic for multi-word searches: ANDOR
  • inaccurate search, search with typos
  • language-insensitive search
  • synonyms


Additional features

  • keyboard layout fix mode ("фззду" -> "apple") 
  • transliteration mode ("stol" -> "стол")
  • the ability to add new search fields, for example, you can add a search by product id, H1 meta, and almost any product field
  • flexible attribute search
  • setting weights for categories and manufacturers, you can show products from a certain category or manufacturer above or below the rest
  • parts of speech
  • the ability to delete, replace words
  • indexing by cron
  • many other features


Основные преимущества

  • больше 1000 продаж модуля
  • очень большая скорость поиска
  • использование морфологии и релевантности для более точного поиска
  • уменьшение процента отказов покупателей
  • логика поиска для поиска по фразам из нескольких слов: И, ИЛИ
  • неточный поиск, поиск с опечатками
  • поиск без учета языка
  • синонимы

Дополнительные возможности

  • режим исправления раскладки клавиатуры ("фззду" -> "apple")
  • режим транслитерации ("stol" -> "стол")
  • возможность добавлять новые поля для поиска, например можно добавить поиска по id товара, мета H1 и почти по любому полю товара.
  • гибкий поиск по атрибутам
  • установка весов для категорий и производителей, можно товары из какой-то категории или производителя показывать выше или ниже остальных
  • части речи
  • возможность удаления, замены слов
  • индексация по крону
  • множество других настроек


The module is compatible with modules:


  1. Search suggestion - search with autocompletion
  2. Search category filter
  3. Search History
  4. Similar products with morphology and relevance
  5. Search products in admin area



The module is compatible with modules from other developers:

For any questions regarding these modules, please contact their developers. 

  1. Product filter - FilterVier_SEO
  2. OCFilter - Product filter module


How is this module different from other search modules?

Common search modules include: standard OpenCart search search , other search modules, such as the "Search with morphology and relevance" module.

How do they work? After the user has entered a search phrase and clicked the "Search" button, the search module, in order to find all the products that match the search phrase, must look into all the products in the database, and information about each product is not in one, but in several tables with many fields, many of which are not indexed in any way.

If you have a few products on the site (tens, hundreds) and a fast server, then your search will work quite quickly.

But if you have thousands of products in the store (or even tens and hundreds of thousands) or not the fastest server, then the more products you have, the slower the search on your site will work. In some cases, 5 and 10 or even more seconds, which of course is a lot, everything that is more than 1-2 seconds is already a lot, users will not wait that long, they will close your site and go to another one.

How does this module work?

This module works on the same principle as search engines, which is why it is called so.
Let's take the Google search engine as an example. After you enter in the search field, for example, " OpenCart " into the search box and click the "Search" button, Google will show you the results you need in a fraction of a second. This is possible because Google does not search for information directly on each site at the time of the search, it has already bypassed all sites and added this information to its very fast databases, where all entries are indexed and lie in the database with the necessary weights (which site to show higher in the search results, which one is lower). After that, Google searches its databases, this makes it possible to find hundreds of thousands of sites in a split second!
This is exactly how this module works. First, it opens all the products in the store and adds all the information to its own database tables with indexes.
When a user searches for something on the site, the search does not bypass dozens of fields in thousands of products, but searches only in one table for one indexed field, so the user will receive the result not in a few seconds or even tens of seconds, but in a fraction of a second, which is tens and even hundreds of times faster than a standard search.


Morphology and relevance

As you know, the standard OpenCart search is just awful. When searching, it breaks the search phrase into separate words, after which it finds all products that contain any of these words. As a result, when searching for the phrase " Samsung Monitor " in the first positions may be " Acer monitor " (because the name contains the word " monitor ") or " Samsung laptop " because the name contains the word " Samsung ". While the right product " Samsung Monitor " may be somewhere on the 10th page. And if you write in the search not " laptop ", but for example. " laptops "" then the search will not find anything at all, since the search is carried out only by the exact occurrence of the word.

This module is written to fix all the shortcomings of the standard search.

To do this, he has 2 tools:

  1. Morphology. Search is not by exact match, but by the roots of words. Now, by writing "laptops" in the search, the search will return all products in which there are "laptops" and "laptop" and "laptop", etc. Supported dictionaries - Russian, Ukrainian, English.
  2. Relevance. When searching, the first positions will be products with a large total weight. The highest weight has the exact occurrence of the phrase at the beginning of the product name, then the occurrence of one or more words in the name (the more words, the greater the weight), then the occurrence of the word in the tag, then the whole phrase in the description, then a single word in the description. The more matches, the more weight and the higher this product will be in the search results. The weight of each match can be adjusted in the admin panel.


What's new in the 3 version of the module?

  1. Search Added search using transliteration
    For a long time, many have asked to implement this, I did it.
  2. Added the ability to specify the search order between searching with the wrong layout, transliteration, inaccurate search
    Previously, it was hard coded in the code, first there was an inaccurate search, and then if the inaccurate search did not find anything, then the search was already performed by the wrong layout, which was not always convenient.
  3. Added fine-tuning search by Category. Products from certain categories can be displayed higher or lower in the search, or removed from the search. 
    Example. There is a store that sells mobile phones. Along with phones, he also sells accessories for them: cases, protective glasses, headphones, etc. In the name and description of accessories, there is often a phone model, which is also often repeated, since models can differ by 1 letter. And when a user searches for a phone by model, the user himself wants to see phones in the search, and it is much more profitable for the store to sell the phone, but in the search, covers or protective glasses can be in the first positions, and the phone of this model is far lower in search results. The new function solves this problem, now you can configure the search much more flexibly.
  4. Added fine-tuning of search by Manufacturers. Products of certain manufacturers can be displayed higher or lower in the search or removed from the search. 
    The same as for categories, only for manufacturers. A store can, for example, raise the manufacturer's products in the search results, for which the store has a higher margin and more profit from their sale. 
  5. Added setting by parts of speech. For certain fields, you can increase or decrease the weight of words of a certain part of speech, or not add them to the index at all. 
    For example, you can not add to the index such parts of speech as prepositions, conjunctions, interjections, etc. And the weight of nouns or verbs, on the contrary, increase. Works only for the Russian language.
  6. Added the ability to search by exact match of a word, in earlier versions there was a search only by the roots of words. 
    Since the search used to search in parts of words, sometimes the exact match of words was lower in the search results than words with incomplete matches. For example, a user could search for "red dress" and the product "Red belt for a dress" could be in the first position, and the product "Red dress with white polka dots" could be lower in the search results, despite the fact that all 2 words in it exactly match. This feature fixes that. 
  7. Added an option to not display products that are out of stock in the results, in earlier versions it was only possible to display them at the end of the list. 
    Also, many have long asked to implement this, done. 
  8. Added synonyms. 
    Now you can register sets of synonyms and the product will be located both by the main word and by its synonyms. For example, using the word "phone" to find products where there is a "smartphone". 
  9. More than a dozen other improvements in search, indexing, design, and more.
    All of them are not very big, but together they also significantly improve the whole search. 


What's new in the second version of the module?

  1. Search by occurrence of a word and by suffixes. This was very lacking in version 1, since many needed a search by entry for, for example. model or article. But this was not in version 1, because such a search, if done simply, would greatly (hundreds of times) affect the speed of the search. In the second version, the functionality of a quick (!) search by occurrence was written. 
  2. More accurate relevance. In version 1, there were 2 weights for a word: if the word is the first (in the product name, for example) and all other words. That is, the word of which the second and the word of which the 20th had the same weight. Version 2 has 2 weights: the weight of the first word and the weight of the last word. All other words inside get weights dynamically depending on their position and the number of words in the title. Thus, the closer the word is to the beginning, the more weight it has and the products that have the search word closer to the beginning will be displayed higher in the results. Moreover, if the search goes by occurrence, then the weight is also cut in proportion to the part of the word. This achieves a greater accuracy of search relevance. 
  3. Added inaccurate search, search for words consonant with the desired. That is, you can find goods, even if you enter a word with a typo or a grammatical error, of course, not all errors will be found by the module, but many - yes.
  4. The best search algorithm using AND logic. This part of the code has been completely rewritten, now in the module such a search works according to a new algorithm that does not affect the speed and more accurately finds only products that contain all the words from the search phrase. 
  5. Opencart 3.0 support


  • the module is written on the basis of the "Search with morphology and relevance" module, therefore it contains all the huge functionality of that module
  • using morphology and relevance for more precise search
  • selection of search logic for searching by phrases of several words: AND, OR
  • multi store support
  • the ability to disable the date of receipt of goods in the search
  • different types of search (by exact match or by the beginning of a word)
  • keyboard layout fix mode ("фззду" -> "apple")
  • consider stock availability (out of stock items will be displayed at the end of the search)
  • option to enable results caching
  • the ability to add new search fields, for example, you can add a search by product id, H1 meta, and almost any product field.
  • for each field, you can: enable morphology, specify the minimum word length, specify the weight of the occurrence of a word in the beginning or middle of the field
  • the ability to exclude certain words from the search
  • the ability to replace words when searching (for example, misspelled words: "aple" -> "apple")
  • support for several indexing modes: indexing by krone, automatic indexing after each addition, change, deletion of a product, manual indexing on the module settings page with support for batch creation of indexes (you can start the process and leave the page open for a long time)
  • search by entry
  • inaccurate search


What's new in the 2 version of the module?

  1. Search by occurrence of a word and by suffixes. This was very lacking in version 1, since many needed a search by entry for, for example. model or article. But this was not in version 1, because such a search, if done simply, would greatly (hundreds of times) affect the speed of the search. In the second version, the functionality of a quick (!) search by occurrence was written. 
  2. More accurate relevance. In version 1, there were 2 weights for a word: if the word is the first (in the product name, for example) and all other words. That is, the word of which the second and the word of which the 20th had the same weight. Version 2 has 2 weights: the weight of the first word and the weight of the last word. All other words inside get weights dynamically depending on their position and the number of words in the title. Thus, the closer the word is to the beginning, the more weight it has and the products that have the search word closer to the beginning will be displayed higher in the results. Moreover, if the search goes by occurrence, then the weight is also cut in proportion to the part of the word. This achieves a greater accuracy of search relevance. 
  3. Added inaccurate search, search for words consonant with the desired. That is, you can find goods, even if you enter a word with a typo or a grammatical error, of course, not all errors will be found by the module, but many - yes.
  4. The best search algorithm using AND logic. This part of the code has been completely rewritten, now in the module such a search works according to a new algorithm that does not affect the speed and more accurately finds only products that contain all the words from the search phrase. 
  5. Opencart 3.0 support



Module version comparison table

Search with morphology and


version 3

Search Suggestions-

Search with autocomplete,

version 5

This module is

Search system,

version 4

Search speed low low very high
Relevance average no very high
Logic AND average average very high
Search by entry
yes (slow)  
yes (slow)  
Inaccurate search     no no yes
Transliteration     no very high yes
Change layout no very high yes
Category coefficients     no no yes
Coefficients for manufacturers    no no yes
Parts of speech settings no no yes
Search by exact word match   no no yes
Synonyms no no yes
Header Search no* yes no*
Opencart support     1.5 - 3 1.5, 2.0 - 3 1.5 - 3


* - in the module Search engine and Search with morphology and relevance there is no header search, because this functionality is implemented by a separate module - Search Suggestion. This is done for more flexibility. These modules work great together (if you have the Search Engine module, the Search Suggestion module searches for products through the Search Engine module) but can also work separately. It is better, of course, to use them together.



OpenCart / ocStore  3.x, 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 1.5


The module uses IonCube, usually 99% of hosts use it, but just in case, you can check .

One module license allows you to install this module on 1 domain.




To contact the author of the module, write to the PM on the forum
Terms of support

© Stasyuk Vladimir (sv2109.com), 2016

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