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On this page you can find all the add-ons and services from radaevich

The module displays on the category page in the text-description of the product category (or the OcFilter landing page) a window marked with Schema Org with the output of the author of the article, the date of the content update...
SEO Author of category/filter/blog text with content update date + micro-markup
от radaevich
Automatic mass linking of products, creation of strong, replacing keys in one click and more...
Automatic SEO Relinking Pro - mass link creation, strong, key replacement
от radaevich
The module displays an animation of falling hearts similar to falling snow...
Hearts for the site, site decoration for February 14 (Valentine's Day)
от radaevich
Customizable multilingual Video banner for your website. Supports multilingualism, you can download different videos for mobile and for desktop through the image manager.deobanner (video banner)..
Customizable multilingual video banner (adaptive video banner)
от radaevich
Adding "plus-minus" buttons to the dropdown menu of the cart in the header of the site + adding these buttons to the standard cart page...
Changing the quantity of goods on the cart page and in the cart in the header of the site
от radaevich
Unobtrusive snow for the backdrop of your store. If desired, it can be made more expressive, I made a universal version for light sites.
An example of the module can be seen at the link:
Unzip the archive letItSnowOpencart2and3x.rar to your computer.
Install the desired version of the module through the standard Opencart / OCStore installer
Update mod cache
Version for 2.x - letItSnow2x.ocmod.xml
Version for 3.x - letItSnow3x.ocmod.zip
I can modify the module for any topic...
Snow for site | Snowfall for shop | Falling snow | Winter for the site
от radaevich
Generating a barcode for a product in the administrative panel of the site.
The module allows you to create stickers for products, which include:
Barcode (Barcode) - generated based on the UPC of the product;
Product Name;
The price of the product.
It is also possible to turn off the price and name, leaving only the barcode. The barcode is generated according to the UPC field, if this field is not filled in, then the module notifies about it.
Unpack archive barcode_for_products.ocmod.rar.
Upload files from the upload folder to the site root
Install the barcode_for_products.ocmod.xml file from the xml folder via the standard modifier installer
Update modifiers in manager
The module creates a button in the "Catalog > Products" section next to the button for adding a product.
In order to generate stickers (barcodes), you need to select the desired products and click on the generate button.
All generated stickers will appear in a new window. Press Ctrl + P to print.
In order to remove the name, click on the button "Remove the name of the product", in order to remove the price of the product, click on the button "Remove the price of the product"..
Штрихкод для товара - генерация баркода с названием и ценой для наклейки товара по UPC
от radaevich
A module with the latest added products with the ability to go to all products by type of pages with promotions (which are available by default in Opencart)..
Page with new products + Module with the latest added products with a custom header and button
от radaevich
Development of online stores on CMS Opencart on a turnkey basis of any complexity.
I have been developing websites for more than five years, I am a developer of add-ons for Opencart, and I blog about development.
The portfolio includes more than 100 different online stores.
I make life as easy as possible for my clients. The client is required to fill out a brief (questionnaire with the functionality of the future site). I take care of everything else.
I recommend good hosting. I will arrange hosting for the full name of the customer.
There is a variant of a unique design and functionality purely according to the requirements of the client. I can also provide a template version (the template was developed by me, satisfies more than 50% of clients with basic requirements).
The template version is much cheaper
I work under a contract..
Development of online stores on CMS Opencart on a turnkey basis of any complexity
от radaevich
Expanded capabilities of standard recommended products will allow you to set any title for the module, inscription and link on the button from the admin panel...
Featured Products with Multilingual Title and Button
от radaevich
Modern page loading animation..
Прелоадер для магазина - анимация загрузки сайта. Preloader (Loader)
от radaevich
10 копий стандартного платежного модуля оплаты "Банковский перевод". Очень удобно, если нужно создать оплату для нескольких банков или адаптировать стандартный способ оплаты под свои нужды. Сам ни раз сталкивался с этой задачей.
1. Скачайте архив bank_transfer10x.zip и распакуйте.
2. В папке upload находится 10 папок, в каждой находится отдельный модуль оплаты.
3. Залейте содержимое нужного количество папок (bank1, bank2, bank3 и т.д.) в корень сайта.
4. Включите модуль в админке. Путь "Дополнения > Дополнения > Платежи".
5. Настройте модуль под свои нужды.
6. Пользуйтесь с удовольствием.
Модуль не заменяет стандартные файлы Opencart.
10 клонов стандартного модуля оплаты "Банковский перевод", 10 копий Bank Transfer
от radaevich
The module displays the discount percentage in:
- product categories;
- Card Product;
- Search;
- stock;
- manufacturers;
- standard modules (new items, bestsellers, recommended and promotions).
The module calculates the discount percentage automatically based on the promotional and basic price.
Universal sticker design will suit most websites.
How to install:
1. In the administrative panel, go to "Modules/Install modules" and install the module.
2. Go to the "Modules/Modifiers" page and refresh the modifier cache (button in the upper right corner).
3. That's it, the module is installed.
The module does not replace files.
If someone needs to fix the design of the sticker, he is always ready to help.
Use with pleasure...
Discount percentage sticker for categories, offers, promotions, standard modules, product cards - Sticker for Opencart 2.x
от radaevich
I have been promoting websites of any subject since 2016, more than 150 projects in my portfolio.
What I offer to the client:
- Free site audit;
- monitoring competitors and determining a unique promotion strategy;
- collection and implementation of requests;
- expansion of the site structure;
- complex internal and external optimization;
- analysis and improvement of usability;
- filling with high-quality and unique content;
- monthly report with positions removal.
I calculate the cost for a specific project, the recommended monthly budget is at least 7000 UAH...
SEO-optimization, website promotion in search engines
от radaevich
Clone of the standard HTML module.
Someone inexperienced will say "why clone a standard module if it can be duplicated directly in the admin panel", but when the task is not just to copy some text, but to make a custom module, this solution will help more than ever.
For example, you need to make a text module for the main page with the addition of pictures, buttons, etc. In order not to do all this in a standard editor, you simply fill in the HTML clone and edit its contents in the code, and in the editor you only need to display the text. A very painful topic for developers of client stores. The customer can often delete everything that you have made up through the standard editor and swear that everything is done very crookedly.
Here is a short background.)
In fact, a very functional thing with which you can do a lot of useful things, and then display them through layouts.
How to install:
1. Upload the contents of the "upload" folder to the site root.
2. The module will appear in the admin panel under the name "HTML content 2"..
Клон стандартного модуля HTML контент
от radaevich
The module allows you to display standard information pages from the Catalog > Articles section to the main menu of the site. Articles are displayed in the drop-down menu under the "Information" item.
1. Install the module through the standard Opencart installer in the site administration panel.
2. Update modifiers...