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Усі публікації користувача Ezel

  1. Can you tell me which files I need to process, finally can you show an example, thank you.
  2. Hello, I am using opencart version and Journal 3.2 theme version. I created a custom column to the oc_product table. and I want to pull the content of the special column that I have added just below the product name in the modules listed in the Journal theme, such as the hot selling products and discounted products listed on the home page. but I couldn't make it. I did this on the product detail page. but I couldn't do it for the modules listed on the homepage such as best selling products, discounted products. can you help?
  3. Добрый день! Необходимо создать модуль для opencart 3x. Все вопросы в ЛС

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